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12 juin 2008 4 12 /06 /juin /2008 12:41
Coordonnées de l'auteur Version française d'un livre de Daniel Pipes Guide politiquement incorrect de l'Islam Comment vaincre l'Islam démocratiquement La dhimmitude, au jour le jour Le djihad mondial, au jour le jour L'univers des apostats De quoi faire le plein Accueil Un regard unique sur le Moyen-Orient
Il faut se préparer à attaquer [l’Iran]

par Daniel Pipes
USA Today, 11 juin 2008
VO: http://www.danielpipes.org/article/5585

Dans un rapport déclassifié du renseignement américain intitulé Iran: Nuclear Intentions and Capabilities (Iran: intentions et capacités nucléaires), les agences de renseignement américaines annonçaient en décembre dernier: «Nous estimons avec une grande certitude que Téhéran a suspendu son programme d’armement nucléaire au printemps 2003.»

Cette conclusion extrêmement controversée a incité les dirigeants iraniens à écarter l’éventualité d’une attaque américaine, ce qui a permis à Téhéran d’adopter une position toujours plus belliqueuse et a rendu futiles, comme il fallait s’y attendre, toutes les négociations ultérieures.

Dans l’idéal, les Iraniens eux-mêmes doivent être conduits à stopper leur programme nucléaire, car les alternatives – lancer une attaque américaine ou israélienne, ou permettre aux dirigeants de Téhéran hantés par l’Apocalypse de se procurer la bombe – sont bien pires.

L’unique moyen d’y parvenir est de raviver un sentiment d’appréhension en Iran. Pour que Washington ait une chance de les persuader de mettre un terme à leur programme nucléaire, et d’éviter ainsi la nécessité d’une action militaire, il faut impérativement convaincre les stratèges de Téhéran qu’ils ne seront jamais autorisés à obtenir des armes nucléaires. C’est encore possible, mais à condition de modifier profondément la politique des États-Unis.

Premièrement, l’administration Bush doit se préparer à attaquer l’infrastructure nucléaire iranienne. Deuxièmement, elle doit le faire savoir bruyamment (et les leaders israéliens devraient faire de même, comme certains l’ont déjà compris). Troisièmement, l’administration doit supporter l’inévitable tsunami de critiques. Quatrièmement, elle doit encourager les gouvernements les plus opposés à une telle attaque – dont l’Union européenne, la Russie et la Chine – à faire pression sur Téhéran pour que l’Iran mette fin à son programme nucléaire.

Si cette démarche réussit, la crise est résolue. Si elle échoue, l’élection présidentielle américaine de novembre revêtira une importance cruciale. «Il n’y a qu’une éventualité qui soit encore pire que l’option militaire», a déclaré John McCain. «C’est un Iran doté de l’arme nucléaire.» De son côté, Barack Obama a parlé de «diplomatie résolue», de «sanctions [économiques] plus sévères» et de «sources d’énergie de remplacement» – au fond un appel à persister dans la voie actuelle.

Si la présidence de George W. Bush se termine sur une victoire de McCain, Bush va probablement temporiser et laisser McCain prendre les prochaines décisions. Mais l’intention affichée d’Obama de perpétuer la vaine politique actuelle indique que s’il gagne, Bush pourrait ignorer la tradition voulant que les présidents sortants ne prennent pas d’initiatives majeures pendant les dernières semaines de leur mandat. Et lancer l’action militaire contre l’Iran.

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10 juin 2008 2 10 /06 /juin /2008 13:37
Un expert: L'information diffusée par l'agence iranienne FARS est à prendre avec des pincettes
Comme promis, voici le commentaire qu’il convient d’apporter à l’article qu’un de nos internautes a aimablement traduit pour notre site, et que j’ai mis en ligne hier [*]. Cette brève analyse est due à un expert en la matière, qui m’a conseillé de ne pas laisser cet article en l’état sans en mettre en perspective et en nuancer le contenu. Je lui ai confessé mon incapacité à ce faire. Il a eu l’obligeance de rédiger pour notre site le texte qui suit. Il précise qu’il s’agit d’une analyse vulgarisée. Nous l’en remercions chaleureusement. (Menahem Macina).

[*] "Le prix élevé de la menace d’Israël contre l’Iran". 

L’intention sous-jacente à l'article de l'agence de presse officielle iranienne FARS, est d’ancrer dans l’esprit des consommateurs occidentaux l’idée d'un seuil. Ce seuil correspond à l’inélasticité de la demande par rapport au prix. Jusqu’à ce que les consommateurs occidentaux s’asphyxient financièrement eux-mêmes, leur demande de pétrole serait inélastique au prix du pétrole. Ainsi, si Israël ou les Etats-Unis attaquaient, les consommateurs occidentaux ayant tous en tête les conséquences sur le prix du pétrole, c'est-à-dire les 300 dollars annoncés par des "analystes", se précipiteraient pour acheter du carburant et le stocker quel qu’en soit le prix. Ce qui, effectivement, ferait grimper le prix du pétrole bien plus haut que 300 dollars. Il n’existe aucune équation mathématique permettant de modéliser l’impact d’un événement géopolitique sur les cours d’une matière première : ce chiffre est donc une simple supposition.

Ce chiffre est jeté en pâture aux lecteurs sans évocation de sources ; seule référence : « la plupart des analystes ». Aujourd’hui, selon « la plupart des analystes occidentaux » - dont certains font partie de mes relations -, le prix du pétrole ne devrait pas excéder 80 dollars. Les phénomènes abscons qui entourent son prix actuel de près de 140 dollars s’expliquent par une intense activité spéculative. Nous sommes entrés, depuis décembre 2007, dans une période d’inadéquation durable entre l’offre et la demande de pétrole, en raison de la crise des crédits à risques, ou « subprimes ». Les stocks sont le troisième élément qui contribue à la fixation du prix d’une matière première, et l’on sait ce que la cartellisation par l’OPEP a généré comme épiphénomènes sur le niveau courant des stocks et donc sur les cours du pétrole. Autrement dit, quand l’OPEP tousse, les marchés attrapent plus ou moins une pneumonie. Aujourd’hui, les marchés financiers ne fonctionnent plus sur les critères usuels de rencontre entre l’offre, la demande et les stocks.

L’Iran par le truchement de ses organes de presse et de ses « analystes » cherche depuis longtemps à perturber les marchés financiers, en donnant des informations fantaisistes (la plus remarquable a concerné la création d’un marché à terme du pétrole en euros à Téhéran, en 2005), mais aujourd’hui, avec ces chiffres, elle s’attaque à l’esprit et au moral des consommateurs et non plus à l’efficience des marchés financiers. Ces informations ne sont pas sérieuses et relèvent d’une propagande habile très dangereuse. Quant aux autres informations sur les disfonctionnements au sein de l’Armée américaine, elles sont toutes à vérifier.

Il faut garder en tête le diktat de la géopolitique sur la finance, c’est d’abord sur les marchés financiers que se joue cette guerre. Ces informations font glisser le conflit en dehors des marchés à terme de matières premières d’une part, et sous-entendent qu’Israël et les Etats-Unis seraient responsables d’un énorme choc pétrolier, conséquence de leur intervention en Iran, qui mettrait à genoux les économies occidentales d’autre part. De quoi diaboliser Israël et les USA un peu plus.

Il serait bon que vous signaliez à vos internaute qui maîtrisent l’anglais le site du Jane’s Information Group. Certains de ses articles évoquent le conflit opposant Israël aux nations arabes et aux groupes terroristes arabes. C’est un des nombreux sites que je consulte quotidiennement depuis longtemps. Il arrive que sa Rédaction donne la parole à des officiels israéliens. Je ne m’engagerai pas quant à son objectivité, car il s’agit d’une information destinée aux professionnels et nécessaire à l’efficience des marchés financiers ; de ce fait, elle est, de facto, moins polluée par certaines idées nauséabondes.


S. S-J.


Mis en ligne le 10 juin 2008, par M. Macina, sur le site upjf.org
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8 juin 2008 7 08 /06 /juin /2008 09:19
Israël pourrait bientôt acquérir des F-22
7 juin 2008 - par Yael Ancri | Arouts 7

Le directeur de la commission américaine des Affaires étrangères, Howard Berman, qui interdisait jusqu’ici la ventre de jets F-22 à Israël, a confié à nos confrères du Jerusalem Post en anglais, qu’il songeait à retirer ces restrictions. L’objectif de Berman serait de renforcer la force de dissuasion d’Israël. Le Lockheed F-22 Raptor est un avion de chasse furtif conçu par les Etats-Unis à la fin des années 1980, afin de remplacer le F-15. Il est considéré comme pouvant être de la plus grande utilité en cas d’attaque israélienne contre les installations nucléaires iraniennes. Il est en effet capable de pénétrer les systèmes de défense et de radars les plus sophistiqués qui soient.

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7 juin 2008 6 07 /06 /juin /2008 10:55
Breaking the Spell of Global Fatalism

June 05, 2008
The Jerusalem Post
Saul Singer

Just as Iran's mullahs have been anxiously hoping, an air of fatalism has arisen around their quest for the Bomb. Amitai Etzioni reports that he recently heard a high-ranking adviser to a leading presidential candidate say in a closed forum: "We just have to get used to a nuclear Iran."

Part of this conventional wisdom is that neither sanctions nor perhaps even military action will be sufficient to stop Iran's nuke program.

This rather unthinking consensus is mistaken about the potential effectiveness of tough sanctions, not to mention a military strike on a few key Iranian nuclear facilities, regardless of how many dozens exist. Iran imports 40 percent of its refined oil and, as House Foreign Affairs Committee chairman Howard Berman told AIPAC this week, more than half of Iran's trade is with Europe, Japan and Australia.

Iran is extremely vulnerable to economic sanctions imposed by democratic countries, even if China and Russia do not completely go along. But the greatest failure of imagination does not concern the sanctions that are most often discussed but the refusal to impose seemingly "soft" sanctions that are critical to breaking the spell of global fatalism.

This week President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said, "You should know that the criminal and terrorist Zionist regime which has 60 years of plundering, aggression and crimes in its file has reached the end of its work and will soon disappear off the geographical scene."

A White House spokeswoman responded by saying that such rhetoric would "further isolate the Iranian people," but that "we'll let him go on and be bombastic if he wants and ignore him."

AHMADINEJAD may be a buffoon, but this does not detract one iota from the criminality of his actions. The Genocide Convention stipulates that incitement to genocide - which is what calls to wipe an entire country off the map are - is a "punishable crime." Countries like the US, Israel and Germany are signatories to the Genocide Convention. Why are these governments not seeking Ahmadinejad's indictment?

To some, throwing a piece of paper at a regime that is already shrugging off UN sanctions might seem ridiculous. What they don't realize is that the West possesses something that countries like China and Russia do not - the keys to international legitimacy.

For all its bluster against the West, the Iranian regime is more concerned about true international isolation than it is about economic sanctions or perhaps even military attack. Why, for example, is Ahmadinejad showing up at a meeting of the FAO in Italy? Because he wants to rub the West's nose in the fact that he is still not persona non grata despite his support for terrorism, genocidal incitement and defiance of the entire international community.

In 2000 the EU imposed sanctions, including a break in all diplomatic contacts, with Austria after the election of Joerg Haider. In 2002, 14 out of 15 EU nations imposed a travel ban on Belarus's President Alexander Lukashenko and seven of his ministers because of his country's poor human rights record. The EU currently has a travel ban against Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe, though it has a loophole that is allowing him to attend the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) conference in Rome. But Ahmadinejad is not even under such a leaky EU ban.

The White House and Europe are badly mistaken in their strategy of "ignoring" Ahmadinejad's taunts. Every time he threatens the US and Israel and gets away with it he is demonstrating his regime's strength and the West's weakness. That is exactly why he keeps repeating such seemingly reckless statements.

Less than 1% of Europe's trade is with Iran, while 40% of Iran's trade - including difficult-to-replace spare parts for sophisticated (much of it German) equipment - is with Europe. A total trade ban, therefore, would have negligible economic impact on Europe, while imposing a steep price on Iran.

But diplomatic sanctions cost even less - nothing. What is stopping Germany from breaking diplomatic relations with a country that openly denies the Holocaust and is openly calling and preparing for a new one? Australia has already called for prosecuting Iran's leader under the Genocide Convention. Why has Germany, along with all other democracies, not taken such a basic step?

THE JEWISH world and Israel are not helpless here. Two actions are urgent and beg to be taken:

(1) Israel should help organize a coalition of states seeking Ahmadinejad's indictment, breaking or downgrading of diplomatic relations and imposing a total travel ban against Iranian leaders; and

(2) NGOs should organize protests against Germany's Siemens Corporation, which refuses to take even the steps that the Deutschebank has taken to reduce its commerce with Iran.

We do not know what action will in the end be necessary to stop Iran, though there is still hope that it need not be military. What we do know is that the first step is to puncture the sense of inevitability that has surrounded Iran's nuclear program and replace it with the opposite sense that Iran ultimately will be stopped.

It is precisely such "soft" measures, aimed squarely at the regime's international legitimacy, that can demonstrate Western determination rather than resignation and paralysis.

President George W. Bush, given the coming US stint as president of the UN Security Council, is in a pivotal position to launch such measures, including not only enforcement of the Genocide Convention, but the launching of a UN investigation into Iranian support for terrorism and a public White House meeting with prominent Iranian dissidents.

So long as Iran's "bombast" is "ignored," the message sent is clear: The West has been intimidated into letting a two-bit power run roughshod over its most sacred values. The mullahs know that so long as such intimidation continues, they are safe. The significance of such "soft" measures is less in their physical impact than the signal that they send: We will not be intimidated, and we will win.


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7 juin 2008 6 07 /06 /juin /2008 10:37
Islammemo.cc : Iran / La Révolution iranienne blanchit son argent au Venezuela
vendredi 6 juin 2008 - 16h59
Logo MédiArabe.Info

Selon le site « Islammemo.cc », les Israéliens et les Américains s’inquiètent du rapprochement entre l’Iran et le Venezuela qui sert Téhéran à contourner les sanctions internationales, à blanchir l’argent et à financer les organisations terroristes à travers le monde et notamment en Amérique latine et en Afrique. Des sources israéliennes citées par « Islammemo.cc » dévoilent en effet les dessous du rapprochement opéré entre Ahmadinedjad et Hugo Chavez, permettant à l’Iran de recycler des fonds, de soutenir le terrorisme international et de financer l’exportation de la révolution chiite.

Le Département américain du Trésor soupçonne l’Iran de recycler ainsi plusieurs centaines de millions de dollars par an à Caracas, en étroite collaboration avec le président Chavez, foncièrement hostile aux Etats-Unis. Récemment, les deux pays ont renforcé leur coopération en matière énergétique et approfondi leur dialogue en vue de mieux lutter contre l’influence américaine dans le monde. Les rapports américains et israéliens estiment que le Venezuela singe l’Iran et recourt au terrorisme pour atteindre ses objectifs, d’où son soutien aux FARC en Colombie.

« Islammemo.cc » souligne également que des cadres des Gardiens de la Révolution se trouvent en grand nombre à Caracas, afin d’y superviser les opérations de recyclage des fonds iraniens. Le site conclut que Chavez, le révolutionnaire socialiste, est ainsi devenu l’un des plus fervents soutiens de la Révolution iranienne. Ce qui semble expliquer les menaces répétées de Chavez, prévoyant un pétrole à 200 dollars si les Etats-Unis attaquaient l’Iran.

Voir en ligne : Islammemo.cc

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4 juin 2008 3 04 /06 /juin /2008 09:28
War with Iran is On the Horizon

May 29, 2008
National Post
Joschka Fischer

A once latent rivalry between Iran and Israel is now an open struggle for dominance in the Middle East. The result is surprising, if not bizarre, alliances: Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, Hamas and the American-backed, Shia-dominated Iraq are facing Israel, Saudi Arabia and most of the other Sunni Arab states, all of which feel existentially threatened by Iran's ascendance.

The danger of a major confrontation has been heightened further by high oil prices, which have created new financial and political opportunities for Iran; the defeat of the West and its regional allies in proxy wars in Gaza and Lebanon; and the United Nations Security Council's failure to induce Iran to accept even a temporary freeze of its nuclear program.

Iran's nuclear program is the decisive factor in this equation, for it irreversibly threatens the region's strategic balance. That Iran -- a country whose President never tires of calling for Israel's annihilation and that threatens Israel's northern and southern borders through its massive support of proxy wars waged by Hezbollah and Hamas -- might one day have missiles with nuclear warheads is Israel's worst security nightmare. Politics is not just about facts, but also about perceptions. Whether or not a perception is accurate is beside the point, because it nonetheless leads to decisions.

This applies in particular when the perception concerns what the parties consider to be threats to their very existence. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's threats of annihilation are taken seriously in Israel because of the trauma of the Holocaust. And most Arab governments share the fear of a nuclear Iran. Earlier this month, Israel celebrated its 60th birthday, and U. S. President George W. Bush went to Jerusalem to play a leading part in the commemoration. But those who had expected that his visit would mainly be about the stalled negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians were bitterly disappointed. Bush's central topic, including during his speech to Israel's parliament, was Iran. Bush had promised to bring the Middle East conflict closer to a resolution before the end of his term this year. But his final visit to Israel seems to indicate that his objective is different: He seems to be planning, together with Israel, to end the Iranian nuclear program--and to do so by military, rather than diplomatic, means.

Anyone following the press in Israel during the anniversary celebrations and listening closely to what was said in Jerusalem did not have to be a prophet to understand that matters are coming to a head. Consider the following: - "Stop the appeasement" is a demand raised across the political spectrum in Israel -- and what is meant is the nuclear threat emanating from Iran. - While Israel celebrated, Defence Minister Ehud Barak was quoted as saying that a life-and-death military confrontation was a distinct possibility. - The outgoing commander of the Israeli air force declared that the air force was capable of any mission, no matter how difficult, to protect the country's security. The destruction of a Syrian nuclear facility last year, and the lack of any international reaction to it, are viewed as an example for the coming action against Iran. - The Israeli wish list for U. S. arms deliveries, discussed with the American President, focused mainly on the improvement of the attack capabilities and precision of the Israeli air force. - Diplomatic initiatives and UN sanctions are seen as hopelessly ineffective. - With the approaching end of the Bush presidency and uncertainty about his successor's policy, the window of opportunity for Israeli action is seen as potentially closing.

The last two factors carry special weight. While Israeli military intelligence is on record that Iran is expected to cross the red line on the path to nuclear power between 2010 and 2015 at the earliest, the feeling in Israel is that the political window of opportunity is now, during the last months of Bush's presidency.

Although it is acknowledged in Jerusalem that an attack on Iran's nuclear facilities would involve grave and hard-to-assess risks, the choice between acceptance of an Iranian bomb and an attempt at its military destruction, with all the attendant consequences, is clear. Israel won't stand by and wait for matters to take their course.

The Middle East is drifting toward a new great confrontation in 2008. Iran must understand that without a diplomatic solution in the coming months, a dangerous military conflict is very likely to erupt. It is high time for serious negotiations to begin.

The most recent offer by the six powers -- the UN Security Council's five permanent members plus Germany -- is on the table, and it goes very far to accommodate Iran's interests. The decisive question, however, will be whether it will be possible to freeze the Iranian nuclear program for the duration of the negotiations to avoid a military confrontation before they are completed. Should this newest attempt fail, things will soon get serious. Deadly serious.

Joschka Fischer, Germany's foreign minister and vice-chancellor from 1998 to 2005, led Germany's Green Party for nearly 20 years.

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4 juin 2008 3 04 /06 /juin /2008 09:25
Exclusive: Iran in Secret Talks With al Qaeda, U.S. Officials Say

May 29, 2008
ABC News Internet Ventures
Johnathan Karl

Senior U.S. officials tell ABC News that in recent months there have been secret contacts between the Iranian government and the leadership of al Qaeda. It's a development that has caught the attention of top officials in the White House, the Pentagon and the intelligence community.

According to U.S. officials familiar with highly sensitive intelligence on this issue, the contacts are on the status of high-level al Qaeda operatives, including two of Osama Bin Laden's sons, who have been under house arrest in Iran since 2003. The officials don't believe Iran will allow these operatives to go free, but said they don't know Iran's motivation for initiating the talks.

"The Iranians know there would be hell to pay if these guys were set free," a U.S. official told ABC News.

"Iran likely sees these individuals, as major bargaining chips," says another official. "How and when they're going to use those chips or whether they are going to keep them in the bank is part of an ongoing strategic discussion they are having internally."

The fate of these al Qaeda operatives has been one of the most intriguing mysteries in the war on terror. Shortly after the U.S. invaded Afghanistan in late 2001, al Qaeda's central leadership broke into two groups. U.S. intelligence believes that one group, headed by Osama bin Laden and Ayman al Zawahiri, fled to the east to find safe haven in Pakistan's tribal areas. The second group, headed by an Egyptian named Saif al Adel, went west to Iran. This second group, which intelligence analysts say includes al Qaeda's management council, or "shura," includes about two dozen militants, including Adel, al Qaeda spokesman Suliman abu Ghaith and some of bin Laden's relatives, including two of his sons, Saad and Hamza.

Although U.S. officials rarely talk publicly about them, these militants are considered to be among the most dangerous terrorists in the world. Adel is on the FBI list of Most Wanted Terrorists and is a suspect in the 1998 bombings of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. The State Department has put a $5 million bounty on his head through the Rewards for Justice program; the only al Qaeda figures with higher bounties are Osama bin Laden and his deputy, Zawahiri.

Iranian authorities detained these militants in 2003, and they have been under what one U.S. official called "loose house arrest" in Iran ever since. The U.S. government quietly sent messages to Iran through the Swiss government, requesting that the al Qaeda figures be turned over to their native countries for interrogation and trial. Iran has refused.

In the past, the Iranians have also resisted efforts by al Qaeda to get the militants released. But recently there has been a renewed effort by al Qaeda to negotiate for their release and signs that the Iranians are willing to at least talk about that.

"Al Qaeda would like to get those folks a deal and they've been trying to work a deal," a senior defense official tells ABC News. "Right now there is greater effort being applied by al Qaeda to seek a resolution." Although Iran has recently signaled a willingness to discuss the issue, this official says, "I don't see the Iranian government desiring to work very fast or quickly on that. "

Buried inside the latest State Department report on terrorism, released in April, is one of the few on-the-record statements on this issue by the U.S. government.

"Iran has repeatedly resisted numerous calls to transfer custody of its AQ detainees to their countries of origin or third countries for interrogations or trial," the report says. "Iran also continued to fail to control the activities of some AQ members who fled to Iran following the fall of the Taliban regime in Afghanistan."

But U.S. officials tell ABC News that one reason they have not raised the issue more publicly is that they believe Iran has largely kept these al Qaeda operatives under control since 2003, limiting their ability to travel and communicate.

"It's been a status quo that leaves these people, some of whom are quite important, essentially on ice," said a U.S. official.

Iran has its own reasons to keep these militants under house arrest. Al Qaeda is a Sunni Muslim group that has a complicated, sometimes tense, relationship with Iran. Recent public statements by al Qaeda have taken an unusually anti-Iranian tone. In two audiotapes released last month, for example, Zawahiri lambastes the Iranian government for, among other things, trying to take over southern Iraq.

So, why would Iran now be reaching out to al Qaeda? U.S. intelligence analysts have several theories. Under one theory, the talks are a reaction to al Qaeda's recent anti-Iranian rhetoric. The Iranians are using the al Qaeda detainees as, the theory goes, leverage "hostages" in the words of one official to get al Qaeda to cut its recent anti-Iranian rhetoric and to deter any potential al Qaeda operations against Iran. By detaining them, Iran makes an unspoken threat to al Qaeda's leadership: If al Qaeda attempts to attack Iran, these people will suffer.

Others believe Iran may have initiated the talks as a threat to the United States, that if the U.S. takes hostile action against Iran, these captives could be released, set free to plot attacks against the West.

One senior U.S. official says there are ongoing "tensions and flirtations" between al Qaeda and Iran "with al Qaeda very much interested in trying to get these guys released and back in the fold, and with Iran playing strategic games knowing that al Qaeda is ultimately their enemy."

Adding to the concern about this, the intelligence community has only limited knowledge about the status of the al Qaeda operatives in Iran and even less about what Iran intends to do with them. Asked if the U.S. knows where Iran is holding them, a high-ranking U.S. military officer told ABC News, "No. I wish we did."

ABC News interviewed several high-level U.S. national security officials for this story. Because of the sensitive nature of intelligence on this subject, all spoke on the condition that their names not be used. We also asked the government of Iran to comment on this story. The spokesman for the Iranian Mission to the United States said he could not answer our specific questions but told us combating terrorism "remains one of the main Iranian political priorities."

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4 juin 2008 3 04 /06 /juin /2008 09:16

Iran/Rébellion : Téhéran traque les rebelles kurdes du PEJAK

La Deutsche Presse-Agentur (DPA) rapporte ce mardi que l’artillerie iranienne a pilonné dans la nuit de lundi à mardi plusieurs villages kurdes dans la région de Haj Omran, au nord-ouest du pays ainsi que dans le Kurdistan irakien. Les habitants de ces villages sont suspectés d’abriter des membres du Parti pour une vie libre au Kurdistan iranien (PEJAK), une branche locale du Parti des travailleurs du Kurdistan (PKK).

Ces attaques interviennent après la mort dimanche de quatre policiers iraniens dans l’explosion de plusieurs mines actionnées à distance par des rebelles du PEJAK dans la même région. Il n'a pas été fait état de victimes civiles de ces bombardements.
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2 juin 2008 1 02 /06 /juin /2008 10:56
Les Pasdaran seraient mieux préparés que ne l'imagine le Pentagone à cette éventualité ainsi qu'à des mesures de rétorsions. A suivre...
Exclusive: Limited US attack on Iranian Revolutionary Guards bases in sight

June 2, 2008, 11:31 AM (GMT+02:00)

US "stealth" warplanes

US "stealth" warplanes

Our Washington sources report that president George W. Bush is closer than ever before to ordering a limited missile-air bombardment of the IRGC-al Qods Brigade’s installations in Iran. It is planned to target training camps and the munitions factories pumping fighters, missiles and roadside bombs to the Iraqi insurgency, Lebanese Hizballah and Palestinian terrorist groups in Gaza.

Iran is geared up for counteraction.

US intelligence estimates that Tehran’s counteraction will likewise be on a limited scale and therefore any US-Iranian military encounter will not be allowed to explode into a major confrontation. Because this US assault is not planned to extend to Iran’s nuclear installations, Tehran is not expected to hit back at distant American targets in the Persian Gulf or at Israel.

DEBKAfile’s Iranian sources report, however, that Iran’s military preparations for countering an American attack are far broader than envisaged in Washington. Tehran would view a US attack on the IRGC bases as a casus belli and might react in ways and on a scale unanticipated in Washington.

Two days ago, Iran’s defense minister Gen. Mostafa Mohammad-Najjar warned: “Iran’s Armed Forces are fully prepared to counter any military attack with any intensity and to make the enemy regret initiating any such incursions.”

According to DEBKAfile’s Iranian and military sources, the IRGC had by mid-May completed their preparations for a US missile, air or commando assault on their command centers and bases in reprisal for Iranian intervention in Iraq.

These preparations encompass al Qods’ arms, most of them undercover, in Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon and Sudan. At home, the Revolutionary Guards have evacuated their key bases together with manpower and equipment to regular army sites or temporary quarters in villages located in remote corners of eastern and northern Iran. Their main headquarters and central training center at the Imam Ali University in northern Tehran are deserted except for sentries on the gates.

Indoctrination seminaries and dormitories hosting fighting strength in the holy town of Qom are empty, as is the Manzariyah training center east of the capital.

Deserted too is the main training camp near Isfahan for insurgents and terrorists from Iraq, Afghanistan, Baluchistan, Lebanon and the Gaza Strip. It is here that they take courses from friendly al Qods training staff on how to sabotage strategic targets such as routes, bridges and military installations, and the activation of the extra-powerful roadside bombs (EFPs) which have had such a deadly effect on American troops in Iraq.

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29 mai 2008 4 29 /05 /mai /2008 09:27
La Syrie et l’Iran signent un accord de "coopération défensive"

mercredi 28 mai 2008 - 21h29, par Mediarabe.info

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Les relations entre la Syrie et l’Iran, datant du début des années 1980 (guerre entre l’Iran et l’Irak), viennent de connaître de nouveaux horizons, avec la signature, ce 28 mai à Téhéran, d’un accord de coopération défensive, qui vient couronner l’alliance stratégique conclue depuis plusieurs années.

L’accord de coopération défensive a été paraphé ce mercredi par le ministre syrien de la Défense, le général Hassan Turkmani, et son homologue iranien, le général Mustapha Mohammed Najjar. Damas confirme ainsi que son refus de troquer son alliance avec la République islamique d’Iran contre une paix avec Israël. Les Iraniens avaient rappelé la Syrie à l’ordre, dès l’annonce de la reprise des négociations de paix en Turquie. Les mollahs craignent de perdre le trait d’union qui les relie territorialement au Hezbollah au Liban, et qui leur permet de tenir un front direct avec l’Etat hébreu, promis à la destruction par le président Mahmoud Ahmadinedjad.


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Ne vous est-il jamais venu à l'esprit d'en savoir un peu plus sur le titre de ce blog ?

Puisque nous nous sommes aujourd'hui habillés de bleu, il conviendrait de rentrer plus a fond dans l'explication du mot lessakel.

En fait Lessakel n'est que la façon française de dire le mot léhasskil.

L'hébreu est une langue qui fonctionne en déclinant des racines.

Racines, bilitères, trilitères et quadrilitères.

La majorité d'entre elle sont trilitères.

Aussi Si Gad a souhaité appeler son site Lessakel, c'est parce qu'il souhaitait rendre hommage à l'intelligence.

Celle qui nous est demandée chaque jour.

La racine de l'intelligence est sé'hel שכל qui signifie l'intelligence pure.

De cette racine découlent plusieurs mots

Sé'hel > intelligence, esprit, raison, bon sens, prudence, mais aussi croiser

Léhasskil > Etre intelligent, cultivé, déjouer les pièges

Sé'hli > intelligent, mental, spirituel

Léhistakel > agir prudemment, être retenu et raisonnable, chercher à comprendre

Si'hloute > appréhension et compréhension

Haskala >  Instruction, culture, éducation

Lessa'hlen > rationaliser, intellectualiser

Heschkel > moralité

Si'htanout > rationalisme

Si'hloul > Amélioration, perfectionnement


Gageons que ce site puisse nous apporter quelques lumières.

Aschkel pour Lessakel.



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